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Pembroke Action League for Schools (PALS) is a non-profit organization founded in 1981 to support the public elementary (K-8) schools of Pembroke, NH (Pembroke Hill School [PHS] and Three Rivers School [TRS]).


The goal of PALS is to encourage and facilitate support of Pembroke’s elementary school programs by families, local businesses and community members. We strive to enhance the educational experiences of Pembroke’s children and work actively with school officials to raise parent involvement and awareness.


Some of the activities PALS is involved with include fundraising, helping fund school field trips, sponsoring cultural events, providing support to Pembroke’s teachers, improvements to playgrounds, and various equipment purchases. PALS is a group that is always looking to take action to help enhance our children’s school experience; whether it’s purchasing new jump ropes, delivering popcorn, or helping teachers prep school materials.


PALS is open to ALL interested parents, guardians and school staff. We invite you to join us. Click on the meetings/agenda page for specifics on the dates, time and locations. There are four elected officers. Actions and decisions of the membership are governed by bylaws that are reviewed annually, and according to the budget that is approved annually.


Don’t feel you need to attend meetings to be involved! Our meetings are held to hear and vote on funding requests from school officials and parents, hear reports from committees, and various other “business” items. We understand your ever-changing, hectic schedules and appreciate any time you can give. You do not have to attend meetings in order to be a PALS volunteer! 


Unable to attend meetings? Stay up-to-date on all of PALS activities by joining us on Facebook or by checking our website often for updated information.  Email with any specific questions.

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